50+ Daily Gratitude Affirmations to Feel Calm, Happy and Centred

The phrase thank you has become just a fundamental element of mannerisms, especially in social and professional environments. Don’t you agree?

Over time, we’ve lost its essence and have barely inculcated the genuine emotion of thankfulness within ourselves.

Reciting daily gratitude affirmations every morning perfectly instills the innate, positive emotion associated with thanking.

It is a beautiful way of widening our perspective by being grateful, not just to people but also to all the beautiful things that you have in your life, whether it’s food, a healthy and satisfactory lifestyle, resources, education, money, or kind people around.

Practicing daily affirmations for gratitude is a simple way to channel your thoughts and focus on what’s present rather than what ought to be. 

It also helps you improve your day-to-day positivity and have a more peaceful and joyous time.

Take a look at the following gratitude affirmations and recite them daily to uncover the most beautiful yet understated aspects of your life.

Daily Affirmations for Gratitude

  • I appreciate the prosperity I have.
  • I am abundant with happiness and contentment.
  • I am thankful for being a part of beautiful nature.
  • I am grateful to the universe for bestowing me with fortune.
  • I am so thankful for having beautiful and inspiring people around me.
Daily Gratitude Affirmations
  • I am thankful for my blissful mind.
  • I am grateful for my continuously healing health.
  • I appreciate my physical and emotional well-being.
  • My friends and family are worthwhile.
  • I am grateful for the great opportunities.
Daily Gratitude Affirmations
  • I am thankful for my lustrous skin.
  • My daily meals make me feel content and value the same.
  • I am grateful for every morning I can live.
  • I am thankful for the healing breeze that kisses my skin.
  • I am grateful for the money I am able to earn and save.
Daily Gratitude Affirmations
  • I am grateful for the freedom I exercise.
  •  I am grateful for my astounding abode.
  • I am grateful for every excellent opportunity that the universe throws my way.
  • I am grateful for my personal and financial freedom.
  • I am grateful for the care and affection I receive.
Daily Gratitude Affirmations
  • I am grateful for the lessons I have learned in life.
  • I am grateful for the mistakes I ever made, for they are the best teachers of my life.
  • I am grateful for the courage I am able to gather.
  • I am grateful for the people who have been there on my bad days.
  • I am grateful for the better days that are coming.
Daily Gratitude Affirmations

Gratitude Daily Affirmations

  • I am grateful for the blessings showered by the universe.
  • I am grateful for having people who inspire me.
  • I am always thankful for my healthy body and peaceful mind.
  • I am grateful for the mind that sees the best in everybody.
  • I am grateful for the money I am able to spend.
Daily Gratitude Affirmations
  • I am grateful for the busyness and the opportunities to hustle.
  • I am grateful for being gifted with the willingness to help others.
  •  I am grateful for my capacity to sustain challenging situations.
  • I am grateful for even the slightest of positive changes that I Am bringing to this world.
  • I am grateful to be able to appreciate everything that I am blessed with.
Daily Gratitude Affirmations
  • I am grateful for the time I am able to devote to my family.
  • I am grateful for the deepest peace of mind that I am experiencing.
  • I am grateful to be safe, alive, and ecstatic.
  • I am grateful to be smiling.
  • I am grateful to be able to feel joy and see hope.
Daily Gratitude Affirmations
  • I am truly thankful for everything that I have been able to achieve.
  • I am grateful for the smiles I can see.
  • I am grateful for the convenience I enjoy in my life.
  •  I am grateful for being able to contribute towards a better society.
  •  I am grateful for the pious laughter.
Daily Gratitude Affirmations
  • I am grateful for my pure intentions.
  • I am grateful for the wisdom that I am blessed with.
  • I am grateful for the humility.
  • I am grateful for my dear ones’ mental and physical health.
  • I am grateful for the kind and empathetic people around me.
Daily Gratitude Affirmations
  • I am grateful for my caliber.
  • I am grateful for the trust I have won over the years.
  • I am grateful for how things are working out in my favor.
  • I am thankful for the kind treatment I receive from people around me.
  • My life is beautiful the way it is, and I shall always be grateful for the same.
Daily Gratitude Affirmations
  • I am grateful for being forgiven, and I am equally willing to forgive.
  • I recognize the value of time and am grateful for being able to spend it wisely.
  •  I am grateful for my willingness and ability to work hard.
  • I am grateful for the valuable resources I have.
  • I am grateful for the environment I love, and I strive to make it better.
Daily Gratitude Affirmations

Daily Gratitude Affirmations: In Conclusion 

Daily affirmations for gratitude help you focus on the countless positive aspects in your life that you otherwise tend to overlook. They remind you that you’ve got so much to be grateful for, whether it’s the calm breath that you’re exhaling, the meal you just had, or the nap that you’re about to take. 

So, make sure you devote some time to exercising daily gratitude affirmations in the morning and experience a surge in joy and fall in all the negativity that your soul has been infected with. And that’s how you’ll make way for a blissful day ahead.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q1. What are the best ways to practice gratitude?

Here are some of the best ways to practice gratitude and attract positivity in life –

  • Think of at least three things you’re thankful for on a daily basis. 
  • Maintain a gratitude journal wherein you regularly note down things you’ve been grateful for.
  • Thank new people every day.
  • Meditate to make room for gratitude. 
  • Recite daily gratitude affirmations.

Q2. How powerful is gratefulness?

Gratitude is known to be strongly associated with greater happiness as it allows people to gain more positive thoughts and experiences. It also enhances their health while enabling them to tackle challenges and strengthen personal and professional relationships.

Q3. What leads to a lack of gratitude?

Some people find it extremely challenging to feel grateful from within. This is mainly due to certain obstacles that keep creating hindrances in the process. This includes a high degree of impatience and unreasonable expectations in any given scenario. Practicing daily affirmations for gratitude

can significantly help develop a strong, unshakeable sense of gratefulness.

Q4. What are the most prominent benefits of gratitude?

Following are some of the most notable benefits of exercising gratitude daily affirmations –

  • Improved physical health
  • Better mental and emotional health
  • Stronger willpower
  • Greater self-esteem
  • Positive relationships at personal and professional levels 
  • Enhanced self-love and self-care
  • Reduced social anxiety