50+ Powerful Affirmations for Healing The Body

Affirmations for Healing the Body

Do you know that people who exercise daily and take care of their physical and mental well-being are known to live the longest and most fulfilling lives?  In the tangled web of life, in which we’re constantly trying to balance obligations, goals, and uncertainty, it’s vital to look after the most precious possession we have: … Read more

10 Morning Habits To Boost Your Happiness

Morning Habits To Boost Your Happiness

Happiness is like sand in the hands of time. The warm fuzzy feeling in your heart slips by before you even get time to sit with it and enjoy its company before you even get to familiarise yourself with it. But happiness is a state of mind. Some people achieve it in little things like … Read more

15 Morning Habits You Need to Break

Morning Habits You Need to Break

In today’s fast paced world, we often pick up habits which are definitely not good for our health or life but which make things easier for us and are working well for us in our current situation. But, starting the day well is necessary. It will enable you to have increased positivity.  Let’s take a … Read more